I've never lived by the rule that just because something is merchandised in a particular category that that is what it will and always will be.

Finding other ways to wear pieces, jewelry and clothing alike, has been a way for me express individuality and, at the end of the day - warrant the spend. You've heard of cost per wear? If you have not: It's when you take the price of something ... factor in the amount of times you'll wear in a year, the length of time you plan on owning the piece, and whatever other things will help you not have buyers remorse and voila! You've now justified the splurge! I DIGRESS. This just made that CPW idea a lot more interesting (and ahem justifiable).

I NOW GIVE YOU: A collage of ways I've been wearing my pieces. No limbs left behind.

DYLAN LEX Pippa choker worn two ways
DYLAN LEX Gilded Holden with chams worn three ways
DYLAN LEX Gilded Holden worn on the waist

DYLAN LEX Syd worn as necklace and on the waist

DYLAN LEX Baker worn as anklet and bracelet

DYLAN LEX Vera worn as choker and bracelet

DYLAN LEX Ari worn as anklet and necklace

DYLAN LEX Pierce worn three ways